
Chess will be part of the Reykjavík Games this year

On Saturday, January 29th, the Reykjavík Speed ​​Chess Tournament will take place in Laugardalshöllin. This is a speed chess tournament where the foreign competitors participate, as well as invited guests. Participation is based on approx. 40 competitors. The competition will be from 13: 00-16: 00 and will be streamed in a window above.

The national competition between Iceland, Denmark, Norway and Sweden will be on RÚV on Sunday, 30 January 2021.

Chess games (10 + 5) are played according to the knockout arrangement. If there is a tie (2-2), an emergency chess game will be played. It will be decided whether the emergency chess will take place at the men's or women's table. The competition will be from 13: 00-16: 00 and will be live on RÚV and streamed in a window above above.


  • Merki Suzuki
  • Merki Mennta og menningarmálaráðuneytisins