Crossfit Reykjavik x RIG pair competition

Crossfit Reykjavik x RIG paircompetition 2022 is on February 6th at Crossfit Reykjavík

The tournament is open to everyone and the difficulty level will be moderated so that everyone can participate.

The tournament is a pair competition, competition is in pairs, mixed in any way (males, females, mixed).

The price per pair is ISK 6.000
Registration deadline is February 4th.
Exercises are seen below.


Here is how to register:

1. Select Crossfit - team registration
2. Fill out the registration form as it appears
3. Pays confirmation fee

It´s more fun to compete than to watch!


  • Merki Suzuki
  • Merki Mennta og menningarmálaráðuneytisins